Andrea Eisenstein

Andrea Eisenstein

Hipster-friendly coffee evangelist. Evil zombie nerd. Hipster-friendly tv geek. Wannabe writer. Typical twitter geek. Twitter fan.

48 Posts Written
What is the Most Difficult Animal to Keep as a Pet?

What is the Most Difficult Animal to Keep as a Pet?

When people feel the call of nature, they can do some incredible things: climb mountains, surf the waves of the Great...

The Hidden Costs of Exotic Pets

The Hidden Costs of Exotic Pets

Exotic animals pose serious health risks to human beings. Many of these creatures carry zoonotic diseases, such as herpes ...

Low Maintenance Exotic Pets: A Guide for Beginners

Low Maintenance Exotic Pets: A Guide for Beginners

With proper care, there are few reptiles that cannot be kept as pets, however, only a few require little maintenance to...

What is Not Considered an Exotic Pet?

What is Not Considered an Exotic Pet?

The definition of an exotic pet is ever-evolving. Fish, rabbits, rodents, and birds have become so commonplace that they...

15 Small Exotic Pets Perfect for Apartment Living

15 Small Exotic Pets Perfect for Apartment Living

The easiest exotic animal to care for, hedgehogs are ideal for someone who wants a pet but doesn't have a significant...

Why Exotic Pets Don't Belong in Your Home

Why Exotic Pets Don't Belong in Your Home

Exotic animals such as lions, tigers, wolves, bears, reptiles and non-human primates belong in their natural habitats and ...

The Most Affectionate Exotic Pets: A Guide for Pet Owners

The Most Affectionate Exotic Pets: A Guide for Pet Owners

The pet kingdom is full of surprises, and exotic pets are no exception. From Muntjac deer to Kinkajous, there are many...

The Cruel Reality of Keeping Exotic Animals as Pets

The Cruel Reality of Keeping Exotic Animals as Pets

Wild animals have evolved over millions of years as independent, free-living beings, with needs, instincts and behaviors...

What exotic animal is best as a pet?

What exotic animal is best as a pet?

These five pets are ideal for first-time owners of exotic animals, due to their friendly nature and their low-maintenance ...

What's the Most Popular Exotic Pet?

What's the Most Popular Exotic Pet?

Sugar gliders belong to the marsupial family, along with kangaroos, possupials and koalas. They are arboreal, which means ...

Why Exotic Animals Should Not Be Kept as Pets

Why Exotic Animals Should Not Be Kept as Pets

Exotic animals, such as lions, tigers, wolves, bears, reptiles and non-human primates, are wild creatures that belong in...

Why Exotic Pets Like Rabbits Need Special Care

Why Exotic Pets Like Rabbits Need Special Care

Exotic pets, such as rabbits, require special care and attention to ensure they live a healthy and happy life. From...

Should Exotic Animals Be Kept as Pets?

Should Exotic Animals Be Kept as Pets?

Many wild animals carry zoonotic diseases, such as brucellosis, salmonella and ringworm, which can be transmitted to...

Are Bunnies Exotic Pets? A Vet's Perspective

Are Bunnies Exotic Pets? A Vet's Perspective

In the United States, exotic pets are any animals other than cats and dogs. This includes rabbits, birds, ferrets,...

What Qualifies as an Exotic Pet?

What Qualifies as an Exotic Pet?

Exotic pets can be any animal that is not commonly kept, but that can be tamed and maintained by an owner. It can be as...

What Classifies an Exotic Animal?

What Classifies an Exotic Animal?

The definition of an exotic animal is one that is not domesticated and lives in the wild, far from where we live. This...

Are Pocket Pets Exotic? An Expert's Perspective

Are Pocket Pets Exotic? An Expert's Perspective

When it comes to defining an exotic pet, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Some veterinarians may consider any pet...

What is Considered an Exotic Animal?

What is Considered an Exotic Animal?

An exotic animal is one that is wild but that comes from a different continent than the one you live in. For example, a...

Is a Hamster an Exotic Pet?

Is a Hamster an Exotic Pet?

When it comes to pets, some animals are considered more exotic than others. An exotic pet is a relatively rare or unusual ...

What Exotic Animals Are Out There?

What Exotic Animals Are Out There?

Pets that are considered exotic include small mammals other than cats and dogs, such as rabbits, guinea pigs,...

What is the Safest Exotic Pet to Own?

What is the Safest Exotic Pet to Own?

The key to success with pet arthropods is to provide them with ample living space and not forgetting their food and...

What is an Exotic Pet? A Comprehensive Guide

What is an Exotic Pet? A Comprehensive Guide

Exotic pets can be any animal that is not commonly kept, but that can be tamed and maintained by an owner. It can be as...

What is the Friendliest Exotic Pet?

What is the Friendliest Exotic Pet?

They are resistant rodents that are relatively easy to care for. My God, the baby in the bushes and the slow lorises are...

Why Bunnies Make Great Exotic Pets

Why Bunnies Make Great Exotic Pets

Bunnies are undeniably adorable, with their soft fur, large ears, round bodies and small tails that are oh-so-fluffy. But ...

What is the Easiest Exotic Pet to Own?

What is the Easiest Exotic Pet to Own?

Hedgehogs are by far the easiest exotic animal to care for, and are ideal for someone who wants a pet but doesn't have a...

What is the Best Exotic Animal to Own as a Pet?

What is the Best Exotic Animal to Own as a Pet?

The key to success with pet arthropods is to provide them with ample living space and not forgetting their food and...

What is the Most Popular Exotic Pet in the US?

What is the Most Popular Exotic Pet in the US?

The incidence of exotic pet ownership in the United States is 6.9%. Among exotic pet owners, reptiles are the most...

Why Domestic Rabbits are Not Considered Exotic Creatures

Why Domestic Rabbits are Not Considered Exotic Creatures

The definition of an exotic creature is constantly changing. While fish, rabbits, rodents, and birds have become...

The Trouble with Exotic Pets: What You Need to Know

The Trouble with Exotic Pets: What You Need to Know

Exotic animals pose serious health risks to human beings. Many exotic animals carry zoonotic diseases, such as herpes B,...

What Makes a Pet an Exotic Pet?

What Makes a Pet an Exotic Pet?

Exotic pets are any animal meant to be companions, except domestic dogs, cats, or farm animals. While many exotic animals ...

Are Rodents Exotic Pets?

Are Rodents Exotic Pets?

Pets that we consider exotic include small mammals other than cats and dogs (rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, rats,...

30 Unique Pets You Can Have: From Hedgehogs to Mini-Donkeys

30 Unique Pets You Can Have: From Hedgehogs to Mini-Donkeys

A pet squirrel may not play fetch like Fido, but it can dazzle you with simple tricks or use you casually as a perch....

What is the Most Friendly Exotic Pet?

What is the Most Friendly Exotic Pet?

Rabbits are a popular choice for exotic pet owners looking for a companion that is relatively easy to care for. They are...

Are Exotic Animals Like Chickens Allowed as Pets?

Are Exotic Animals Like Chickens Allowed as Pets?

Dogs, cats, cows, horses, goats, pigs, and other domesticated animals are not usually classified as exotic pets. However, ...

What is the Most Common Exotic Pet to Own?

What is the Most Common Exotic Pet to Own?

When it comes to exotic pets, there are a variety of options available. From rodents to primates, hybrid cats to llamas,...

The 10 Easiest Pets to Care For

The 10 Easiest Pets to Care For

For those who don't have much free time or free space to devote to a pet, fish would be ideal companions. These fluffy...

Do Exotic Animals Make Good Pets?

Do Exotic Animals Make Good Pets?

Pets that we consider exotic include small mammals other than cats and dogs (rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, rats,...

Are Exotic Animals Low Maintenance? A Comprehensive Guide

Are Exotic Animals Low Maintenance? A Comprehensive Guide

In fact, exotic pets tend to misrepresent themselves and say that they require little maintenance or are easy to care...

What Exotic Pets Can You Own?

What Exotic Pets Can You Own?

Pets that are considered exotic include small mammals other than cats and dogs, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish....

Are Bunnies Exotic Pets? A Comprehensive Guide

Are Bunnies Exotic Pets? A Comprehensive Guide

In the United States, exotic pets are any animals other than cats and dogs. This includes rabbits, birds, ferrets,...